Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
2 New Paintings Lone Star State!
Let me know what you think!
2 Other Blogs and 1 more to go
I have found it very difficult to keep all these blogs going. This one is actually a copy of the others. However, I am starting another. Go figure!
It's necessary and absolutely God driven.
In My Father's Lap

I have had the blessing of many people sharing their story of how this painting affects them, or what it reminds them of. Many just sit and stare at it.
I am so thankful that our awesome God would use my hands to speak to His people. And that is what I am, the hand that brings you His Message!
I am working on this site now and will announce it's debut!
Until then,
Love is Watching You!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Attitude, What We Say and Relationships

Attitude, What We Say and Relationships…
I am working on my next post. It’s about our attitude, our mouths and what we speak out of them. Relationships, forgiveness in them and when you have to move away from one. I am talking about friendships, or siblings and maybe even children, not marriages. That’s a different post!
So, while I am finishing this weeks post , can you think of anything on this subject you want another’s insight on? How about something that has you really in a knot you can’t seem to untie? Sometimes, changing your perspective on how you look at things helps move thru the mess.
Leave your questions and thoughts, I will take them into consideration as I finish up!
Meanwhile…. Live your life, where ever you are, Smile thru it, it’s great for your face! And Share the faith, show God off!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Carley Shirts

Carley and Carleysense.com has come out with her first cool shirts with a message.
Give them as a gift or spread the word yourself!
Check it out!
Live, Smile and Share! It makes the day so much brighter!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Updates everywhere

Hi everyone, I have updated all my all sites and blogs so I encourage you to go take a look!
http://carleysense.com is doing great and I thank you in advance if you are following her and hope you will recommend her around your circle.

Our products have been photographed and hopefully will be available to purchase online by early next week.
Here is a preview:
I will have a close up of each design on the site!
I also have completed 2 new canvas paintings. I am very excited about these:

I have recently updated my Artsong Blog: http://artsong.wordpress.com with my latest faux finish works.
Don't forget, you can find me on Facebook and Twitter!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
CarleySense is Up and Running

After a lot of hard work, from myself and Rebecca Parsons
Carley is up and running.
Go to her site to read about her and learn what she is all about!
The site will be continually changing as we add to it weekly.
Products are in production right now. First pieces that will be available are ladies shirts, coffee mugs, and window stickers.
There will be contests for free stuff.
Next week the "Thought of the day" will begin and as soon as I figure out how to have you sign up to receive it by email, I let you know!
Please check it out, leave me your comments, or go to the question and answer page and leave your question for her.
Who knows, we just might start a forum!
Smile and Bless Someone Today!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Good News
My Homeworks Artistry newsletter is about to come out Friday. Sign up today! It is loaded with great information and news of MY NEW EXCITING VENTURE!
I can now tell you a little about her. It's Carley
This site is under construction at the moment, but will be up by the end of this week!
I have completed another project and the gallery that represents me is having it's Grand Opening this Saturday. Read about it here
I am excited about this too!
Please leave your comments, suggestion or questions!
Smile and Bless Someone!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Put on The Full Armor of God

I found this picture searching images on the web. I loved it!
I have just finished a awesome book I have spoke about many time here, “Drawing Near” by John Bevere. It took my about 8 months to get through it. It involves, at least for me, some heavy studying, a lot of soul searching, much truth and much revelation. I learned and applied so many things.
I morning not long ago, I felt this absolute desire to pray, in the Spirit. It was the very first time that as I prayed, and although I could hear myself, it was as if I was away from myself. It speaking coming out of my mouth was fluent, full of peace, beautiful. But there was something else happening. That small voice inside me began to speak. ”Put on the full armor of God, Put on the full armor of God, Put on the full armor. Put your helmet of Salvation on, protect your mind as there will be things that try to come against your your thoughts. Your thoughts are for me and of me. Do My will. Protect yourself, Put on your Helmet! I am with you!
Put of your Breastplate of righteousness! Protect your heart. There will be discouragement, things will try to come against you to try to bring discouragement to the things I have for you to do. Do not be disheartened. Put on your Breastplate. I am with you!
Put on your shoes of Peace. Stand firm I am with you! Without your shoes, commendation, chaos, stress, worry will come to you. Put on your shoes of Peace and Stand Firm! I am with you!
Put on your Belt of Truth! I am The Truth, know Me. Come to Me. Live with Me. Involve me. I have a great work for you. If you know Me, you will know Truth. Put on you Belt of Truth! I am with you!
Put on your Shield of Faith. It will extinguish those arrows of the one who has evil intent for you. Stand firm and raise you Shield of Faith. I am with you!
Put on and hold on to the Sword of the Spirit! I am the Word! Know my Word for it will protect you, guide you, hold you close to me. If you will draw near to me, I will draw near to you. Put on the Sword of the Spirit! I am with you!
I am so thankful that I am allowed to hear, to understand, to be close to Him. I want to be covered by Him and I want to soar with Him. I want to draw nearer.
Put on Your Armor! We have battles to fight and He promises, He is with us!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Other Blog
Yall go check my other blog! I keep that one updated regularly!
Here is a bite!
Well keeping up two blogs isn't easy, I must set priorities!
Smile and Bless Someone!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Work in Progress
I have recently completed some finishes and added more work to my Etsy Shop.
Please follow this to my blog on wordpress to view pictures and other upcoming great news!
Smile today and bless someone!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Love Note

Just when I think I have had enough, I just can’t handle the pressure anymore, something like this comes along.
Not by accident either. This was in my local newspaper, a column by Gloria Barr Ford.
The next time you feel like GOD can’t use you, just remember that:
Noah was a drunk.
Abraham was too old.
Isaac was a daydreamer.
Jacob was a liar.
Leah was ugly.
Joseph was abused.
Moses had a stuttering problem.
Gideon was afraid.
Samson had long hair and was a womanizer.
Rahab was a prostitute.
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young.
David had an affair with another man’s wife, and he was a murderer.
Elijiah was suicidal.
Isaiah preached naked.
Jonah ran from God.
Naomi was a widow.
Job went bankrupt.
Peter denied Christ.
The disciples fell asleep while praying.
Martha worried about everything.
The Samaritan woman was divorced more than once.
Zaccheus was too small.
Paul was too religious.
Timothy had an ulcer AND
Lazarus was dead!
Now! No more excuses! God can use you to your full potential. You aren’t the message, you are just the messenger.
God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
Dear God, I have a problem, it’s me!
There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.
Silence is often misinterpreted but never misquoted.
Do the math — count your blessings.
Faith is the ability to not panic.
Laugh everyday, it’s like inner jogging.
If you worry, you didn’t pray. If you pray, don’t worry.
As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling home everyday.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
The most important things in your house are the people.
When we get tangled up in our problems, be still, so God can untangle the knot.
A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.
He who dies with the most riches is still dead.
And for those who know me, my personal favorite:
Just when I want to throw in the towel, God sends me a love note!
He is so good!
Friday, March 6, 2009

I have been totally frustrated so many more times than usual this week. I have also had heartburn a lot. That tells me I am stressing out about something. I thought everything was fine, but your body has this wonderful mechanism that, if you listen to it will tell you when something is wrong long before it gets very serious.
My husband is getting ready to have major surgery. We are both confident all will be fine and he will be better than ever afterwards. We know God has got it under control! His mom, who lives with us, is driving me crazy! There, it’s out there! I just don’t get her! I pray for patience, kindness, love, compassion…..then she speaks, and I lose it! I have been very good at hiding it, not allowing her to SEE that she drives me insane, but it’s getting harder. I must work on this. It’s not fair to her.
Work is on the upswing. I have received many calls and I am busy setting meetings and scheduling work. All decorative work, very little fine art. I have had no time to be in the studio and just create. By the time I get home, I am so tired I don’t feel like making that video, blogging, creating.
Then there is the moving of rooms in the house. Living room, bedrooms, studio and office…..everything is changing. I am trying to make more room so we have some space in this small house.
I mentioned the virtual studio tour and I aim to do that. I do think that would be cool for a group of us artists to share that.

I also have started a program with my friend Rebecca Parsons. She is coaching me. I have only completed one lesson and already I have been shocked at what I have learned. I need coaching, I am going 1000 different directions so I am not accomplishing much. I keep you informed.
So, how are you doing with what life is throwing us? Are you handling it? Frustrated? Stressed? Let me know, share your thoughts!
Remember this, God knows what He is doing! There is a reason for everything and a season. It’s okay to feel this way, just don’t let it consume you. Let Him lift you up, encourage you, love you. We may not like where we are at or what we are going through, but rest assured, it’s on the way to where we are going. If you are going with God, well then, all is well!
Umm, I feel better already!

Posted in Artist's Life | No Comments »
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
How about a Studio Tour?
Please leave your comments!
Oh, and remember, Smile and Bless someone Today!
Monday, March 2, 2009
This is Awesome
This is a test
I am so excited. I am getting ready for a big yard sale. It’s out with the old and in with the new. I have been a very good steward of finances, and after much research have found wonderful deals for some new things.
With all the excitment, things are also chaotic! With a week or so before my husbands major surgery, I am moving 5 rooms in the house around, organizing the yard sale, and working on my works in progress.
What are the works in progress you ask? Oh, that is more exciting news. A clothing line of fun, simple, clean humor that you can share your faith, or get a little if need be! A simple, but artistic jewelry line of my artwork. Wearable art! Greeting cards, collectibles, coffee cups and I’m adding to the list. This is so much fun! I will make an announcement when the product line is almost done.
Check back for updates.